Original Edition - MT5 - Fat Fueled/Low Carb

The 6WeekShred® for your macro type is a new and improved do it yourself meal plan group challenge designed to support an increased rate of fat loss for women. It is important that you first take the quiz to confirm your correct macro type before processing your order.
The program macros work well for 80-90% of people with 25 lbs or less to lose or for those who want a jump start. There are instructions on how to adjust the macros to your personalized needs if required; however, most people can follow it as written and do very well.
This program also provides meal planning calendars, detailed grocery lists, recipes, meal prep notes for every meal, community support, a substitution guide, and all of the tools necessary to support a lifestyle change.
This program is NOT custom. The 6WeekShred® programs are not advised for pregnant or nursing women.
ALL Programs are Non-Refundable, and ALL sales are FINAL.
Due to the nature of our digital downloads and upon purchasing, you will have immediate access to our copyrighted and proprietary material. They are deemed “used” after download or opening. Also, once downloaded, it remains in your possession forever.
The digital product allows you up to 5 downloads. We recommend saving a permanent copy of this file to iBook’s, Google Drive, or Dropbox for future reference; OR you can get them printed out, e.g., Staples, Office Max, etc.
A FAT FUELED LOW CARB approach to your nutrition is recommended (MACRO TYPE #5)
If you fit the Fat Fueled, Low Carb macro type you function best when a larger portion of your calories come from fats. Fats provide an alternative form of functional energy, which is especially helpful for those who can’t properly process carbohydrates. When your body struggles to handle carbs, you will experience compromised energy levels no matter how many carbs you consume.
If this is you, you most likely are experiencing more serious medical issues such as insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, diabetes, PCOS, or other hormonal imbalances. You have probably struggled with weight loss, trying other extreme diet approaches that included higher levels of carbs only to find them frustratingly ineffective. It may seem to you that you cannot drop body fat no matter what you do.
You are frustrated because your body in no way, shape, or form reflects your sincere efforts to improve your health. You gain weight so easily and lose it so slowly that attempting to sustain any type of plan leaves you feeling so frustrated that you no longer even want to try. You experience sugar cravings on a regular basis to the point that it is very hard for you to feel satisfied at the end of a meal. No matter how much sugar you eat, you are left wanting more and more and more.
This approach is a high fat, moderate protein, and very low carb approach to nutrition which is commonly referred to as the ketogenic diet. It has this name because the body is no longer fueled by carbs, it is fueled by healthy fats that generate ketones as the primary energy source. This allows the body to utilize fat as a fuel source and is a wonderful method for those with the lowest carb tolerance levels. This approach is wonderful for those who need a simple and straightforward way to drop body fat. This is also great for those who thrive on well-defined boundaries, finding it easier to stay on track when there are more rigid guidelines of what you can and cannot eat.